Thursday, October 31, 2019

October 28-31

This week,

Talked and took notes on asexual reproduction (all the different types and organisms that undergo this type of reproduction) vs. sexual reproduction (and all related topics such as meiosis, mitosis, Punnett squares, DNA, chromosomes, mutations, etc.) - most of which is found in chapter 3 in the textbook.

Again, a link the online version has been posted in previous postings, as well as shared with every student on Google Drive.

Some practice questions around Punnett squares can be found on page 54 #1-7

We also worked on a genetics assignment that was due Thursday, October 31. Link below.

Genetics with a Smile

- Mr. Pak

Monday, October 7, 2019

October 7-10

This week,

- Asexual Reproduction
          - Supplementary work: Check and Reflect:
                    - Pg. 29 #1-6
                    - Pg. 36 #1-11
                    - Pg. 37 #3, 4, 5, 8, 10

The science textbook was shared on Google Drive with all students. The textbook can also be found at the link below:

Science in Action 9 Textbook

- Square Roots
          - Supplementary work on Pg. 78-79
                    - Level 1 #7ac, 8a, 9bd
                    - Level 2 #1
                    - Level 3 #15

The math textbook was shared on Google Drive with all students. The textbook can also be found at the link below:

Math Links 9 Textbook

- Mr. Pak

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

September 30 - October 4

This week,

Working on problem solving with rational numbers. 

Key points:
1) What information is given?
2) What is the question asking you to find?
3) Identify all the keywords
4) What is important/unimportant?

We worked through tons of examples as a class, in smaller groups, and individually.

Textbook practice questions:
Pg. 60-61 #12, 14, 17, 20
Pg. 68-69 #9, 10, 13, 16
Pg. 70 #12, 18, 22

Assessment piece:
Students were given this task for assessment. It consists of 5 questions that give the answer. The object of this task is to see a clear and organized gathering of information and the process by which to solve the question. 

- Mr. Pak