Teachers have returned to work from Spring Break. During the break, administrators were developing plans for continuing the school year with an online learning platform.
For the first week back, Monday April 6th to Thursday April 9th, teachers will be contacting students and guardians via phone call to check-in to see how families are coping and to retrieve information around access to technology. Lessons and tasks will NOT be assigned this week. For the time being, independent learning activities can be accessed here, from the CBE website. Students and guardians can also access resources from the Learn Alberta Online Reference Centre. Common grade assignments will be provided next week via Google Classroom.
This week, students will be added to Google Classrooms, through the same Google platform that students have been using all year (Google Docs, Slides, Drive, etc.). Starting next week, Google Classrooms will be the main point of contact for information and all things related to school-based learning. Therefore, this blog will no longer be updated, as all information will be accessed via Google Classroom. Your homeroom teacher will contact you over the course of the next two days. If you still have questions around Google Classroom or anything else moving forward, AFTER TUESDAY, please email your homeroom teacher with any questions you have.
This is a challenging time, however, we will all get through this together.
Thank you.
Jesse Duss - Humanities - jjduss@cbe.ab.ca
Richard Pak - Math/Science - rypak@cbe.ab.ca